Friends Of Baxter

How Reiki Helped Gloria

During the practice of Reiki pain felt by the person or animal being treated can often be physically felt by the practitioner enabling the Reiki energy to be concentrated in the specific area(s) where it is most needed.

When Gloria came into the Yorkshire Cat Rescue a vet’s visit
confirmed the need for surgery as mummified kittens were found in her abdomen. She must have been in much discomfort and emotionally affected too, hence it was suggested that she may benefit from Reiki. Reiki was offered to Gloria as she lay in her enclosed bed space where cats are not to be disturbed by any staff or volunteers. Within a few minutes she emerged and lay on a knitted blanket with her abdomen facing outwards.

She soon dozed off giving out a feeling that she was content – and safe – the latter being very important to her. After an extremely relaxed half hour she had received as much Reiki as she wanted and returned to her ‘safe place’. I fed back to the manager that whilst offering
Reiki to Gloria a right lower abdomen pain had been felt within me.

The following day we learned that Gloria was sick. The vet diagnosed an infection where the surgery had taken place in her right lower abdominal area – where I had felt discomfort – and she was treated accordingly. A week after her first Reiki session, Gloria was lying in a green covered dome. After circling, and clawing at the blanket inside she curled up.

She actively chose to take Reiki energy when offered and she purred, yet she wasn’t totally relaxed. Gloria held her head up. She shared a feeling that she loved the Reiki but was frightened of being sick again.

It was explained using animal communication that the sickness
occurred to help her body rid itself of the infection which had been treated by the vet, so it was ok, she could relax. Immediately she snuggled her head in the blanket, purred and cosily fell asleep.

Reiki was sent to Gloria the following week as she was at the vets for some dental treatment however the week afterwards when Reiki was offered to her she gave the impression that she was relaxed and happy and didn’t really need it any more. Our work with her was done. Staff commented on how much she had changed since coming in to the Rescue. She was now a much happier, friendly cat. Within a further week she had been chosen for adoption and was in her new home for Christmas, happy, well, and a different cat to the one she had been just weeks earlier.